Greens to call for tax hike on wealthy at manifesto launch
8 months ago
- The Green Party is due to launch its general election manifesto for England and Wales this morning
- It promises "game-changing" transformations in areas like housing, transport and the green economy
- The Greens say this will be funded through new wealth taxes, including a 1% levy on assets worth over £10 million
- On Tuesday, the Conservatives pledged £17bn in tax cuts when rolling out their own manifesto for the 4 July election
- Labour, who launch their manifesto on Thursday, have promised to give councils in England an extra £320m over five years to fix potholes
- Trust and confidence in the UK’s politics and election system have never been worse, according to analysis by the electoral expert, Sir John Curtice
- Disillusionment over Brexit among Leave voters is one of the main reasons for the collapse in trust, the report suggests
- Greens to call for tax hike on wealthy at manifesto launch